MGB Sytems
Precision Engineering
The Medium Girder (MGB) is a classic piece of high quality precision military engineering that has stood the test of time and have been purchased by Military organizations around the world. It is constantly in use, and increasingly in demand for both military and disaster relief operations.
This Medium MGB System meets the evolving needs for bridging equipment across a wide spectrum of requirements, from short irrigation channels, through ravines to large expanses of water. Highly transportable, rapidly deployed, adaptable and cost-effective, it is ideal for a wide range of military or emergency and disaster relief situations.
This units are light, easily transported, can be constructed by hand and adapted for most tactical bridging requirements.

MGB Sytems
Multi-role Capabilities
This MGB is a modular, two girder bridging system with deck units providing a four metre wide roadway and optional walkway. The basic buildings units consist of seven precision-engineered light alloy components .
Easy to assemble and lightweight, two of the units require six personnel to lift them while other structural units each require four personnel. The deck and ramp units can be lifted by two personnel.
This bridge system can also be fitted with an optional reduced slope to provide a smoother entry and exit to and from the bridge.
It available in five different product configuration groups for example, Single Span, Multi-Span, Double Storey, Double Storey with Link Reinforcement Set (LRS).

Different bridge lengths are created by varying the number of bays used to suit the gap being crossed. Each bay is 1.83 metres (6ft) in length; a step change in gap crossing capability being achieved as each bay's configuration is changed from Single Storey to Double Storey and then to Double Storey with a link reinforcement.